viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Edición 613, Del 27 de mayo al 2 de junio del 2016 - Cadereyta Jim. N.L.

Histórico para Juárez: 55 patrullas nuevas *Aumenta un 500% flotilla de patrullas y anuncia contratación de 100 policías para mayor presencia y seguridad en las colonias de Juárez(JUAREZ) Recortará Pemex nómina por venta de refinerías(CADEREYTA)

from Semanario La Última Palabra - Cadereyta Jiménez N.L. , México. via IFTTT

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

Making strides to improve maternal health in Sierra Leone

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone, 26 May 2016 – It’s antenatal care day at the George Brook Community Health Centre in Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown. A group of pregnant women chat and giggle as they sit on a long wooden bench in the corridor, each waiting her turn to see the midwife. In the delivery room, 28-year-old Zainab Turay struggles to handle the pain as her second child makes his way into the world. from UNICEF News

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

‘WASHComs’ drive change in northern Nigeria

JIGAWA STATE, Nigeria, May 2016 – In north-eastern Nigeria, 300 miles north of the capital city of Abuja, lies the village of Gidan Darge. Though the village is located in a dry, remote area, it is pioneering advances in water, sanitation and hygiene for the entire country. from UNICEF News

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

In Timor-Leste’s remote communities, parents and children learn together

MATAHOI, Timor-Leste, 23 May 2016 – At the stroke of 8 a.m., a ringing bell echoes through the remote village of Matahoi in Timor-Leste’s Viqueque municipality. As the sound fades, Olympia Carvalho, a 26-year-old mother of three, makes her way to the village centre in this small agricultural community, which is located 170 kilometres east of the country’s capital, Dili. from UNICEF News

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Edición 612, Del 20 al 26 de mayo del 2016 - Cadereyta Jim. N.L.

Designa PRI a diputado cetemista como delegado *José Luis Garza Ochoa, diputado de extracción cetemista, es el nuevo delegado del Tricolor en Cadereyta, quien trae la consigna de remover toda la estructura del PRI local(CADEREYTA) Desalojan a posesionarios de Hacienda la Escondida(JUAREZ)

from Semanario La Última Palabra - Cadereyta Jiménez N.L. , México. via IFTTT

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Youth lead by example in Burundi

RUMONGE, Burundi, 13 May 2016 – On the surface, the town of Rumonge looks like any other picturesque port city. Located on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, it is known mostly for fishing and trade. But like many towns in Burundi, there is another narrative emerging. from UNICEF News

Edición 611, Del 13 al 19 de mayo del 2016 - Cadereyta Jim. N.L.

“El PRI volvería a perder con el Cuate” *El ex diputado priista Juan González, advierte que la imposición es el sello de la derrota del Tricolor, a quien ve débil y si repite el candidato se iría más al fondo(CADEREYTA) Graba destape de Américo y lo privan de su libertad (JUAREZ)

from Semanario La Última Palabra - Cadereyta Jiménez N.L. , México. via IFTTT

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

Saving lives during childbirth in rural Liberia

KONOBO, Liberia, 12 May 2016 – Deep in the heart of Grand Gedeh County, Liberia, a newborn baby lies on a bed in the Konobo rural health centre. She is wrapped in a red and black lappa – a traditional Liberian cloth – and nurses and midwives come over periodically to check on her. from UNICEF News

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

Signs of recovery amid the siege in Madaya

MADAYA, Syrian Arab Republic, 10 May 2016 – Madaya, the Syrian town that was once the scene of shocking images of malnourished children, is showing small signs of recovery. Thanks to UNICEF’s support and the determination of health workers, the situation of malnutrition in Madaya is slowly improving. from UNICEF News

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Edición 610, Del 6 al 12 de mayo del 2016 - Cadereyta Jim. N.L.

Construyó Emeterio sólo el 25% del Arroyo Artificial * Sólo la cuarta parte y la más económica, fue lo que construyó el ex alcalde priista Emeterio Arizpe de la única obra presumida por su administración(CADEREYTA) Continúan carretoneros con tiradero en Los Valles (JUAREZ)

from Semanario La Última Palabra - Cadereyta Jiménez N.L. , México. via IFTTT

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

In Ecuador, struggling to meet basic needs after the earthquake

PEDERNALES, Ecuador, 3 May 2016 – Micaela Chila, a 12-year-old girl who lives in Pedernales, the epicentre of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Ecuador on 16 April, calls on people around the world to "help us find food, especially for children." from UNICEF News